Go to most company websites and here’s what you get:
- Here’s who we are
- Here’s what we do
- Here’s why you should do business with us
If I were to go to your home page right now, what would I get? Does it tell me all about you? Or does it tell me all about me? Would I learn more about myself through your insights?
Take a moment and answer these questions:
- What injustice or obstacle does your company address?
- List ways this injustice or obstacle has been addressed by others and why their approaches have been inadequate.
- How is your company addressing this injustice or obstacle in a new way?
- Why are you so sure your way is better than those other ways?
- Together, how can you and I address this injustice or obstacle?
Spend time with these questions. Write down your answers. Tweak them.
While your competitors waste precious time talking about who they are and what they do, you can offer those you serve a narrative that reads like this:
- There is an injustice (or obstacle) out there that impacts you.
- Others have tried to address this injustice by…
- But these efforts have had minimal impact — here’s why.
- We believe the way to address this injustice is…
- By working together, we can finally bring justice (or success or security or freedom or whatever) to you and others like you.
- Let’s take the first step right now.
This is rough and abstract, but can you feel the difference in these two approaches to your narrative?
Can you see how you can quickly stand out from others’ blather in the market?
If you want to go deeper or have questions specific to your business, leave a comment or email me.